Powerless, Practical, Powerful
A Powerless person tries to fulfill his own desires.
A Practical person fulfills others’ desires.
A Powerful person makes others crave his products/services even more everytime.
A Powerless person tries to fulfill his own desires.
A Practical person fulfills others’ desires.
A Powerful person makes others crave his products/services even more everytime.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren’t necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process…
Baru2 ini gw “ketemu” ama seseorang… Nggak “ketemu” sih karena ketemunya virtual nggak secara langsung… Cuma, hal pertama yang muncul di benakku adalah, orang ini… “menarik.” Unique? Tentu saja, semua orang unique. Of literally thousands of persons I personally met and touched; this person, even though “unseen”… maybe a uniquest of the uniques. 😉 It…
A view from a fellow developer’s room: (via NubyOnRails) I know you want to ask me something. Well the answer is yeah, I’d love to have something like that… But surely, someone is also a fine option. 😉
Lagi jalan2 ke Alfamart, eh secara nggak sengaja ngeliat minuman cincau Yeo’s alias Yeo’s cincau drink alias grass jelly drink. Kayanya menarik, karena seorang teman saya memberitahu saya tentang manfaat cincau alias janggelan (kata orang Jawa) bagi kesehatan: Sebelumnya memang pernah beli Cincau Drink merek Wong Coco. Kali ini akhirnya si Yeo’s “terpaksa” saya beli…
Last night I watched Crash, Eel‘s favorite movie. It’s a movie about life, how we collide into other people’s lives, and how people deal with it. Conclusion: It’s an excellent movie. Lots of magic moments in this movie (seriously! The touching, “oh-pretty-please-no” kind of scenes are there.) About 95% of the movie deals with racism,…
Baru tau kalo ternyata buah naga itu “selain dikenal sebagai alternatif dalam menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, juga bisa diolah menjadi berbagai macam makanan yang lezat, yakni dari mulai sup sampe puding.” Tentu saja, gw sendiri juga baru tau kalo ada buah yang namanya buah naga. Berdasarkan informasi sang penulis, cara makan buah naga yang paling…