John C. Maxwell’s Best Leadership Quotes for Your Inspiration

John C. Maxwell’s Best Leadership Quotes for Your Inspiration

I just completed listening to John C. Maxwell‘s audiobook Good Leaders Ask Great Questions on Audible and I have to say it was awesome. I need to listen to that again, at least on second time. And I will probably re-listen to it again at particular times. His writing (or rather, his narration) contained a…


Seperti Anak Panah, Dimundurkan Untuk Melesat Ke Depan

Pernahkah kamu mengalami suatu keadaan yang membuat hidupmu seperti ditarik mundur, jauh dari harapan? Pernahkah kamu melihat orang-orang yang dulunya berapi-api tiba-tiba seperti kehilangan semangat bahkan lenyap dari peredaran? Pernahkan kamu melihat atau bahkan merasakan bahwa orang-orang yang pernah kau lihat (atau bahkan dirimu sendiri) mengalami kemunduran itu, lalu tiba-tiba melesat cepat ke depan dan…

Top 10+ Useful Firefox Add-ons & Extensions

Add-ons / Extensions for Firefox make this web browser very powerful. Here are the best 10 useful Firefox extensions I have been constantly using (in no particular order). 1. AdBlock Plus – Block Ads Blocks most ads, saves bandwidth, increases browser performance. 2. LastPass – Password Manager Stores your account credentials and passwords, so you…

Why Superstars Become Even More Successful After Screwing Up

Have you ever wondered why some successful people tend to have some ‘supranatural’ ability to spring back even when the worst happens to them? Take Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson, a superstar with the capacity to spring back after countless failures. He’s virtually the best damn pop artist ever! His 1982 album Thriller alone got a…


How to Make Your Words Count: Build Authority

What do you want your potential customers to think about your product? Your product is the best of its kind. How do you ensure that? Simple, by demonstrating authority. Luckily for you and me, Copyblogger founder Brian Clark has just released a free report, Authority Rules: The 10 Rock-Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing. Why…

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Mario Teguh Golden Ways Notes #1

Jadilah pribadi yg terlalu mulia untuk ditaruh di zona tidak nyaman (contoh: miskin, bodoh)Jika Anda ingin menjadi pribadi yg menarik maka jadilah pribadi yg tertarik kepada org lainBerdamailah dengan yg sudah terjadi, tugas kita adalah menjadikan besok tidak lebih buruk dari yang sudah terjadiUntuk tau kita benar ato salah, cek dengan org lain, sehingga tidak…