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Millennium Trader 4 Jalan di Linux Koq!!

Sempat saya bilang kalo Millennium Trader 4 bisa jalan di Ubuntu (Linux). Nggak percaya? Saya punya buktinya: Caranya, install dulu package wine melalui Synaptic atau Adept, lalu jalankan installer Millennium Trader secara biasa. Jika Anda tertarik atau pingin nyoba (belajar = gratis koq), informasi lengkap bisa Anda dapatkan di situs Millennium Penata Futures Kediri atau…

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Investasi Smart dengan Millennium Penata Futures

Perdagangan di bursa forex (valas/valuta asing) semakin diminati, tidak hanya karena keuntungan yang besar, cara pengoperasian yang cepat & mudah secara online, tapi juga model yang dibutuhkan relatif lebih ringan dibandingkan membangun bisnis sendiri. Satu perusahaan yang terpercaya di bidang ini adalah PT Millennium Penata Futures. Mereka menyediakan sistem online yang tercanggih dibandingkan perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya…

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Google Reader: Gearing Offline Feed Reading!!

I was wondering what feed reader I’ll use since I switched from Windows to [Ubuntu] Linux, again… … when I saw a very pleasant surprise from Google Reader:   Set up Google Reader for offline use. This feature enables you to read your 2000 most recent items even when your computer is not connected to…

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Installing NX on Amazon EC2's or Your VPS's Ubuntu

NoMachine’s NX is a cool technology to GUI-ly remote your server using less bandwidth and more power responsiveness. If you miss your GUI luxury, let’s install it on your VPS, shall we? Get some Ubuntu first, Dapper or Edgy or Feisty all work fine. Installing some kind of desktop GUI will make the journey smoother…

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Amazon’s EC2: Automated Server Hosting

EC2 is a new server clustering services by Amazon. The difference between traditional servers it’s that this is very on-demand and automated. You won’t need to phone call an admin and “hey, we need a server” anymore, all you have to do is click “launch” and you’ve got a server running. (and the billing starts…

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Mozilla as Rich Internet Applications Platform

Everybody knows Firefox, Mozilla‘s flagship browser that’s being used by most geeks worldwide (and increasingly used by non-geeks too.) In the emerging Rich Internet Applications platform market, we are seeing more and more vendors jump in: Adobe with Apollo, Microsoft with Silverlight, Sun Microsystems with JavaFX, and a bunch others. So has anyone considered using…


XML-RPC Problem in WordPress and Blog Clients

Having problems using your blog client with WordPress? I have been getting errors for awhile without being able to post to WordPress using a blogging software. I was lucky enough to be able to get the following error messages: “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” or “The server returned an unexpected reponse code: 403” or…