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“Selling” for 0% Profit!

Today I just found one way (though not so “good idea”) to have a 45-day loan with 0% interest……!

I got approx 800,000 rupiahs today, cash, in less than an hour, that I can return around end January.. it was very easy.

I was shopping with my friends (actually my Entreprenur University Kediri classmates), at Gramedia book store. I’m not really sure if I want to buy a book, but seeing my friends take up a few books, I decided to buy a book and ask them, “hey, why dont you help me. what if you pay to me, and I’ll pay all of our books using my BCA credit Card?” In short, he said alright. And I start “marketing” my scheme to the other friends. So they joined.

I asked Gramedia if they had a discount. She said I’ll get 10% discount if my order is 1.5 million rupiahs. So I told my friends. Unfortunately some of the friends had already left, they said “Hendy why didn’t you told us earlier!!! :-P” and we didn’t get 10% discount. ๐Ÿ™

Anyways, the total purchase was 861,300 rupiah. I only purchased one book worth 35,000 rupiahs (Robert T. Kiyosaki Advisor’s Building A Business Team that Wins) and my friends each buy average of 3 books (yeah I’m sooo a cheater). ๐Ÿ˜›

Now, I get 800,000 rupiahs in cash… That I can use for whatever, that I’ll pay on my next credit card billing statement. It’s much better than taking the cash out of my credit card (with 3%-7% surcharge). Without any monthly interest at all ๐Ÿ™‚

Soo happy ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S.: Thanks to all the Entrepreneur University friends who joined my scheme: Ali, Udin, Susi, Lestari, Harli, Eko, and Ulfa!

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