The reason I want to learn Japanese

Learning Japanese Language (Nihongo) from Basic Words and Common Phrases

Here are several basic Japanese language (Nihongo) words and common phrases that I am trying to learn. Basic words: Anata. あなた. You. Watashi. わたし. I. Common phrases: Konnichi wa. コニチワあ. Hello. Arigatou gozaimasu. ありがと ございます. Thank you. Anata wa dou desuka? あなた わ どう ですか? How are you? Watashi wa yokunaidesu. わたしわ よくないです. I am not good….

Sorry, I don't speak Mandarin!

Chinese Language (Mandarin) Survival Guide: Basic Words, Phrases, and Sentences

I promised myself that I would learn to speak and write at least two new languages (to at least somewhat-acceptable conversational level) within the next three years, that means my deadline is by the end 2021. ⏳ But why Mandarin, the standard Chinese language? Statistically speaking it is obvious: Mandarin is spoken by 1.2 billion…

What Are The Most Important Attributes A Man Need in A Woman?

What Are The Most Important Attributes A Man Needs in A Woman?

I’ll be honest. But I’ll only list a few important attributes a man needs in a woman: Beauty Good health Same religion Good heart Intelligence Good family Patience Is That All? No that isn’t all. There are many more. Yet every man has different preferences and priorities. How Do I Keep Up With It? You really…