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Quicken 2007, A Review: At Last!

In order to import my Microsoft Money 2007 data into Quicken 2007, I had to install Quicken 2005 first, import the Money 2007 data using the Data Converter, then start Quicken 2005 to finish the importing process, uninstall Quicken 2005, install Quicken 2007, then upgrade, and… finally done! It was a tedious process. But it…

What Am I?

some people hate me some people are afraid of me in fact, lots of them do but a few, very few actually, but they exist… are completely the contrary they “love” me, they feel comfortable with me, they don’t want to let me go… even though we never had anything before we first meet. and…

Sistem Informasi POLRI Bisa Meramalkan Pelanggaran

Menurut Website Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, saya (atau seseorang bernama Hendy Irawan) akan melakukan pelanggaran pada tanggal 20 Juli 2026. Keren banget yach perangkat lunak Indonesia sekarang? 😉 Sayangnya di situ tidak dicantumkan nomor SIM saya pada saat itu. Mungkin sistemnya masih perlu dikembangkan sehingga bisa meramal nomor SIM saya dan alamat saya nantinya, tapi…


The #1 Secret of Writing Indonesian Novels: Write in English ;-)

Gw sih jelas-jelas bukan novel writer, not even close. (= “tidak bahkan dekat”? oh… “nggak sedikit pun”?) (Note: the parenthesed sentence at the end of a paragraph illustrates what would have been if I had written the sentence in Indonesian. I wouldn’t even dare to have the slightest thought had I written this entire message…

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Microsoft Money 2007 Home & Business Review: “Definitely Gonna Try Quicken 2007 ASAP”

After much desperation and frustration (for some undisclosed reason), finally I got hold of Microsoft Money 2007, Home & Business Edition. This is because the financial software I was currently using was Microsoft Money 2004 Deluxe, I guess an upgrade after 3 years will be great. Or so it seems… Installation was… very quick, despite…

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New Financial Software… Required?

Recently I’ve had a conversation with my good friend Aulia Halimatussadiah. One of what we talked was about our financial management. She said her financial was horrible (she earned enough but spent lots more, hehehe). So I suggested her to use the software I’m currently using, Microsoft Money (I’m currently using Money 2004). It turns…