Hateful speech is just a symptom
The real issue is that many people don’t realize they need psychological education and support.
The real issue is that many people don’t realize they need psychological education and support.
Here are several basic Japanese language (Nihongo) words and common phrases that I am trying to learn. Basic words: Anata. あなた. You. Watashi. わたし. I. Common phrases: Konnichi wa. コニチワあ. Hello. Arigatou gozaimasu. ありがと ございます. Thank you. Anata wa dou desuka? あなた わ どう ですか? How are you? Watashi wa yokunaidesu. わたしわ よくないです. I am not good….
From what I know from my honest not-so-pretty friends in Indonesia and other countries: being an ugly girl feels lonely. Sometimes it’s true loneliness (no friends) but mostly loneliness due to lack of boyfriend. People around them don’t treat them as well as they treat pretty girls, so this can lead to jealousy. Both feelings…
Mari Berbagi Senyum Ramadhan dengan Donasi ke Rumah Zakat : Syiar Quran (SQ) Syiar Qur’an merupakan paket pendistribusian Al Quran dan paket iqro yang menjangkau daerah-daerah pedesaan.. Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga (BLK) Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga (BLK) merupakan bingkisan berupa perlengkapan ibadah dan bahan pokok bagi keluarga prasejahtera… Kado Lebaran Yatim (KLY) kado Lebaran Yatim merupakan paket…
Assuming you have good personality, there’s one that you can have that will make it very hard for any girl and her parents and to reject you: Wealth. I’ve checked. I’ve searched Quora for “I’m rich but why don’t I have a girlfriend?” and there’s no such question! Feel free to check for yourself. (let…
I’ll be honest. But I’ll only list a few important attributes a man needs in a woman: Beauty Good health Same religion Good heart Intelligence Good family Patience Is That All? No that isn’t all. There are many more. Yet every man has different preferences and priorities. How Do I Keep Up With It? You really…
Ayat-ayat Cinta is an Indonesian movie about Fahri, a college student at Al-Azhar Islamic University, and his shortly portrayed but fruitful adventures in life and love. Along the way he’ll meet several pretty and not-so-pretty girls Maria, Aisha, Nurul, and Noura; and what’ll happen? Let’s just say that I think this is really a must…