First Setup of WordPress Layout & Pages

  1. Setup email delivery: AWS SES, Mailgun, or SMTP. Using normal G Suite account is also possible using Gmail SMTP Server service (not SMTP Relay!) and App Password.
    1. Add appropriate SPF & DKIM records.
    2. AWS only: Request production access per region.
  2. Add the other administrator’s account. Note: If you haven’t set up email delivery, users won’t get notification by email and cannot reset password.
  3. Install User Avatar
  4. Change User Avatar
  5. Write first blog post
  6. How to add another user
  7. Install Kadence Starter Templates
  8. Header
  9. Footer
  10. Rank Math SEO for Beginners: <– this is one session
    1. How to Install plugin, then choose Rank Math
    2. Signup Rank Math account
    3. Setup Rank Math (prepare logo, 512×512 px or 1024×1024 px; prepare default social share image 1200 x 630 pixels)
    4. setup/authorize Google Search Console